As mentioned in the previous topic, the number one rule when starting your new practice is to limit your expenses as much as possible and avoid getting tied up with long-term agreements. There are also several things to consider before even signing that five-year lease agreement. Like getting credentialed with all the insurance companies, whether commercial, state, or federal, IPOs, Medical Groups, or any other payor category that your patient demographic might have.
Why Hire Physician Credentialing Service
We have seen providers who came to us for consultation but have already signed up on a three-year lease even though they have not beencredentialedwith any payors. Luckily, most of their patient demographic are Medicare and we managed to get them credentialed in under a month. To avoid pitfalls, you are better off consulting a company that is well-experienced with startup practices.
Lack of expertise in credentialing can lead to denied applications and delay in delivering services to patients who need them. For this reason, many healthcare choose to outsource credentialing services for physicians to an expert third-party company like My RCM Group.
As physician credentialing experts. we take care the credentialing process from start to finish. That means that we help you skip all the responsibilities that would typically fall on the facility to focus on your more important task. We work with the provider to obtain, verify, and organize information that documents training, qualifications, and work history of medical practitioners.